N头条>英语词典>heap up翻译和用法

heap up

英 [hiːp ʌp]

美 [hiːp ʌp]

堆放; 堆积; 堆起



  • arrange into piles or stacks
    1. She piled up her books in my living room
    Synonym:pile upstack up


  • Memory leaks lead to more and more consumption of memory that is reserved by the Java heap, and the garbage collector will be able to free up less memory over time.
  • Just heap them up and shoot them.
  • As the agent or subagent requires more heap space to process larger SQL statements, the database manager will allocate memory as needed, up to the maximum specified by this parameter.
  • Being ignorant that all deeds must cause results to the doer, some continue to kill and heap up more suffering on themselves in the future.
  • This line is useful because it tells us how much of the heap is free and that there are objects being cleaned up and not pinned to the heap.
  • The idea is to divide the heap up into different areas, and collect these areas at different rates.
  • Mr McCarthy was lucky to heap up his fortune before taxes got so high.
  • You just forget where the memory is that you asked for on the heap and it's not going to get cleaned up on the stack because malloc puts it somewhere else.
  • Since a single heap is actually divided into many heaps ( up to32), unnecessary enabling of malloc multiheap can cause severe fragmentation.
  • If the used heap line is creeping up when there's no obvious reason for the memory requirements of the application to be increasing, there may be a leak.